
The Fourth industrial revolution and social innovation in the work place

The Fourth industrial revolution and social innovation in the work place
Recurso electrónico / Electronic resource
The Fourth industrial revolution and social innovation in the work place. — [S.l.] : European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, [2019]
Sumario: The changing nature of work, the workforce and the workplace make social innovation and empowerment of the individual increasingly important for future occupational safety and health (OSH) regulations and governance. This will require a shift in focus from controlling organisations towards supporting individuals as they navigate an increasingly complex working environment across a longer working life. Megatrends such as technological development, acceleration and complexity, network, society, globalisation, commercialisation and economic growth are driving the fourth industrial revolution, which is rapidly transforming work and workplaces and the conditions under which social innovation will operate
1. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo . 2. Innovación . 3. Cultura preventiva . 4. Prevención de riesgos laborales . 5. Industria 4.0 . 6. Unión Europea . I. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work . II. Title.