
Coronavirus COVID-19 : facts and insights

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<title>Coronavirus COVID-19</title>
<subTitle> : facts and insights</subTitle>
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<namePart>McKinsey & Company</namePart>
<placeTerm type="code" authority="marccountry">usa</placeTerm>
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<publisher>McKinsey & Company</publisher>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">COVID-19 continues to spread rapidly around the world -- Epidemiologist consensus suggests that the virus is highly transmissible and disproportionately impacts older segments of the population with underlying conditions --  There are, however, three swing factors that remain unclear but could play a large role in how the virus evolves: Extent of undetected, milder cases; Whether the virus is subject to seasonality; Asymptomatic transmission -- Given these considerations, there are thee possible scenarios for COVID-19 and its economic impact: Quick recovery scenario; Global slowdown scenario; Global pandemic scenario -- Given the rapid spread of COVID-19 to date, companies could consider the following actions</abstract>
<note>COVID-19 is, first and foremost, a humanitarian challenge. COVID-19 has affected communities on multiple continents, witth over 3,500 deaths out of over 105,000 reported cases. To date, Wuhan and Hubei province have been the most affected locations. Thousands of health professionals are heroically battling the virus, putting their own lives at risk. Overstretched health systems mean that Wuhan and Hubei will need time and help to return to a semblance of normalcy. Solving the humanitarian challenge is the top priority. Much remains to be done globally to respond and recover, from counting the humanitarian costs of the virus, to supporting the victims and families, to developing a vaccine. This document is meant to help with a narrower goal: provide facts and insights on the current COVID-19 situation to help decision-makers understand best practives. In addition to the humanitarian challenge, there are implications for the wider economy, businesses, and employment. This document sets out some of those challenges and how organizations can respond in order to protect their people and navigate through an uncertain situation</note>
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<topic>Asistencia sanitaria</topic>
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<topic>Sistemas sanitarios</topic>
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<topic>Gestión de crisis</topic>
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<topic>Salud pública</topic>
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<topic>Sanidad Pública</topic>
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<classification authority="">931</classification>
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<title>Global Health + crisis response</title>
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