
COVID-19 and the connected telco consumer : how telecom operators can reconnect with customers and emerge stronger from the pandemic

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<title>D-19 and the connected telco consumer</title>
<subTitle>: how telecom operators can reconnect with customers and emerge stronger from the pandemic</subTitle>
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<namePart>Capgemini Research Institute</namePart>
<placeTerm type="code" authority="marccountry">fra</placeTerm>
<placeTerm type="text">Paris [etc.]</placeTerm>
<publisher>Capgemini Research Institute</publisher>
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<extent>17 p.</extent>
<abstract displayLabel="Summary">COVID-19 has shown very clearly the critical role that telcos play in our society and economy. While the pandemic has been a profound societal and economic crisis, it has reinforced the importance of connectivity as a critical part of a functioning society and everyday life. The widespread and accelerated shift to virtual models  from the world of work to how we educate the next generations  has driven up demand for connectivity services on an unprecedented scale. In this research note, we explore whether consumers' needs and demands for connectivity during this challenging time are actually being met. How is the crisis affecting consumers' purchase criteria? What are the changes that consumers expect from their operators' online and offline sales and service experience as a result of the pandemic?</abstract>
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20200005599">
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20200005391">
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080552022">
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080625573">
<topic>Empresas de telecomunicaciones</topic>
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080615307">
<topic>Satisfacción del cliente</topic>
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080586546">
<topic>Nuevas tecnologías</topic>
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<recordCreationDate encoding="marc">200416</recordCreationDate>
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