
Redesigning the European stress tests : considerations from COVID-19 and the US experience

Recurso electrónio / Resource electronic
Bergés, Ángel
Redesigning the European stress tests : considerations from COVID-19 and the US experience / Ángel Berges, Jesús Morales. — Madrid : Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros (FUNCAS), 2020
(Spanish and International economic & financial outlook ; Volume 9 | number 5, September 2020 ; p. 39-47)
Sumario: The EBA's postponement of the 2020 stress tests due to COVID-19 comes at a time of growing debate about the effectiveness of their methodology. Unlike the EBA, the Fed went ahead with its stress tests this year, offering potential insight into how the EBA could possibly reform its tests for 2021
1. Mercados financieros . 2. Política económica . 3. COVID-19 . 4. Pandemias . 5. Tests de estrés . 6. Supervisión financiera . 7. Pruebas de resistencia . 8. Europa . I. Morales, Jesús . II. Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros . III. Spanish and International economic and financial outlook (SEFO) . IV. Title.