
Recall index 2021 edition 2 : data, trends and predictions for European industries

Recurso electrónico / Electronic resource
Recall index 2021 edition 2 : data, trends and predictions for European industries. — London [etc.] : Sedgwick's Brand Protection, 2021
82 p.
Sumario: The Sedgwick brand protection recall index is an essential reference for manufacturers and retailers seeking impartial and reliable perspectives on past, present, and future recall data and product safety trends.This edition brings you data from the first half of the year, as well as expert análisis and predictions for what to expect for the remainder of 2021 as business leaders and regulators prepare to emerge from a global pandemic that changed the regulatory landscape, political climate, market drivers and consumer behaviour
1. Desarrollo industrial . 2. Sectores económicos . 3. Crisis . 4. Perspectivas económicas . 5. COVID-19 . 6. Europa . I. Sedgwick's Brand Protection . II. Title.