
La Fundación : Fundación MAPFRE magazine. June 2022 (English)

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<title>Fundación : Fundación MAPFRE magazine. June 2022 (English)	</title>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">How to be disruptive and, at the same time, supportive -- Ariel Zylbersztejn, founding partner of ana "Health is becoming decentralized, the third largest hospital in the world is already home" -- Eduardo Fierro, founding partner of Kuvu "We want to generate genuine social relationships and end isolation» -- Neide Sellin, creator of Lysa «Developing Lysa is a dream of many years of struggle and dedication» -- an awards gala that imagines a better world -- KBr Fundación mapFre, center of photographic reference in Barcelona -- Bleda and Rosa -- Resonances. Fundación Mapfre Collections -- Paolo Gasparini, photography and photobook -- Carlos Pérez Siquier: closing in black and white, opening in color -- facing educational barriers, teamwork -- Ana Eseverri Mayer. Sociologist and social entrepreneur. CEO of Lea global pathways and founder of the NGO aipC pandora "If you have the ability to change young people, you have the ability to change the world" -- How to "survive" the summer -- Falls in the elderly, an avoidable evil -- Keys to enjoy motorhomes -- The ability to decide should not be conditioned by age -- another way to help</abstract>
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080655877">
<topic>Acción social</topic>
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<title>La Fundación : revista de Fundación MAPFRE</title>
<publisher>Madrid : Fundación MAPFRE, 2008-2022</publisher>
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<text>04/07/2022 Número 59 - julio Año 2022 , 68 p.</text>
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