
La Fundación. Fundación MAPFRE Magazine. December 2022 (English)

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<title>Fundación. Fundación MAPFRE Magazine. December 2022 (English)</title>
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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">Fundación MAPFRE 2022 Social Awards: Doctors Without Borders, Fundación Integra, the winegrower Carlos Moro and the fashion designer Carolina Herrera were the winners of this year's edition / Angel Martos -- Carolina Herrera "To be successful you need to surround yourself with great people. I have had them close to me and I am grateful" / Nuria del Olmo -- Ana Botella, president of Fundación Integra "Sometimes it is difficult for us to understand that there are people who have never had a chance" / Angel Martos -- Paula Gil, President of Doctors Without Borders Spain "Never in history have there been so many millions of people depending on humanitarian aid to be able to live" / Angel Martos -- Carlos Moro, founder and President of Bodega Matarromera "Working on the culture of wine in Spain is important for structuring territory, economy and people" / Angel Martos -- Leonora Carrington. Revelation / Fundación MAPFRE Culture Area -- Facundo de Zuviría. Estampas porteñas / Fundación MAPFRE Culture Area -- Anastasia Samoylova. Image cities, the non-city / Victoria del Val -- Teenage influencers to fight against school dropouts / Antonia Rojo -- The new food villains / Angel Martos -- When to say goodbye to the keys / Silvia Martinelli -- Senior talent reclaims its place / Ramón Oliver -- Another way to help / Laura Sánchez -- Fundación MAPFRE Guanarteme changes its name to Fundación MAPFRE Canarias / Fundación MAPFRE Canarias editorial office / Fundación MAPFRE Guanarteme editorial office</tableOfContents>
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<title>La Fundación : revista de Fundación MAPFRE</title>
<publisher>Madrid : Fundación MAPFRE, 2008-2022</publisher>
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<text>29/12/2022 Número 61 - diciembre Año 2022 , 68 p.</text>
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