
Why AI-Managed supply chains have fallen short and how to fix them

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Why AI-Managed supply chains have fallen short and how to fix them / Pepe Rodriguez...[et al.]. — Boston : Boston Consulting Group, 2022
12 p.
Sumario: Why hasn't artificial intelligence fully transformed supply chains?Several years ago, some of us predicted that AI-powered automation would lead to the death of supply chain management. We saw the potential to turn supply chains into selfregulating utilities that optimally manage end-to-end workflows with little human intervention. However, despite heavy investments, companies have not realized the vision of AI-managed supply chains. — Ámbito geográfico: Internacional
1. Cadena del suministro . 2. Inteligencia artificial . 3. Gestión de empresas . 4. Automatización . 5. Toma de decisiones . 6. Creación de valor en la empresa . I. Rodriguez, Pepe . II. Boston Consulting Group . III. Title.