
Towards hydrogen definitions based on their emissions intensity

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Towards hydrogen definitions based on their emissions intensity. — Paris : International Energy Agency, 2023
89 p.
Sumario: Towards hydrogen definitions based on their emissions intensity is a new report by the International Energy Agency, designed to inform policy makers, hydrogen producers, investors and the research community in advance of the G7 Climate, Energy and Environmental Ministerial meeting in April 2023. This report assesses the greenhouse gas emissions intensity of the different hydrogen production routes and reviews ways to use the emissions intensity of hydrogen production in the development of regulation and certification schemes. — Ámbito geográfico: Internacional
1. Transición energética . 2. Gestión medioambiental . 3. Hidrógeno . 4. Emisiones contaminantes . 5. Efecto invernadero . 6. Energías limpias . 7. Descarbonización . I. International Energy Agency . II. Title.