
Managing seasonal and interannual variability of renewables

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Managing seasonal and interannual variability of renewables. — Paris : International Energy Agency, 2023
70 p.
Sumario: Renewables are growing rapidly in the electricity systems around the world as countries seek to improve their energy security, meet emission reduction targets and take advantage of cheaper electricity sources. Thanks to successful use of flexibility resources, many countries have already securely and efficiently integrated significant shares of variable renewables (VRE) in their electricity generation. The present study, produced in support of Japan's G7 Presidency, explores the integration of VRE beyond 70% share of annual generation in future power systems, focussing on four different climatic regions: Temperate with hot summer, Tropical, cold Arid and Continental with warm summer. — Ámbito geográfico: Internacional
1. Energías renovables . 2. Sostenibilidad . 3. Inversiones anticontaminación . 4. Almacenamiento energético . 5. Descarbonización . 6. Condiciones climáticas ambientales . 7. Datos climatológicos . I. International Energy Agency . II. Title.