
The Actuary. April 2023 The magazine of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries

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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">Editorial; Rocky times mean only a greater desire to anticipate what might come next/ Yiannis Parizas -- President and CEO comment: Your networks and feedback are vital/Matt Saker and Stephen Mann -- IFoA news: The latest IFoA updates and events -- Interview: Anthony Finkelstein: The university president, systems engineer and former government adviser on how the interplay of insights between business, science and technology is 'like a Jacuzzi' --  Environment: Stacking up the odds: We're playing a wobbly game of 'Earth Jenga'/Sandy Trust -- Reinsurance: Million dollar questions. With unprecedented market times, Michael Hinz gives Yiannis Parizas his expert take on P&C -- Data: Gathering the information/ Richard Steele shares the usefulness of density-based clustering -- Economics: Empire state. What's changed in economic terms since the Romans? Not as much as you may think, says actuary and classicist/George Maher -- World view: Bermuda Islander Mikaela O'Brien gives a taste of actuarial student life in this insurance hotspot -- Health: Who cares? Will the government's long-delayed social care proposals really make a difference, asks Tom Kenny? -- Insurance: Wheel of fortune: With the world facing crises on multiple fronts, industry insiders speak to Ruolin Wang about the potential impacts for life and health -- History: Free-spirited radical. The remarkable legacy of Richard Price - considered 'the fi rst actuary'-- Pensions: Net gains/ Maria Nazarova-Doyle on the framework she hopes will galvanise climate action in investments -- Soft skills: Red alert/Lori Shook explains how to deal with workplace conflicts -- Extra-curricular/Jashika Patel discusses her passion for wildlife photography - Student. Why are insurance-linked securities on the rise? Darren Trott explains -- People/society news. The latest updates and events -- Puzzles and appointments</tableOfContents>
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