
The Psychological and social impacts of museum-based programmes for people with a mild-to-moderate dementia : a systematic review

Zeilig, Hannah
The Psychological and social impacts of museum-based programmes for people with a mild-to-moderate dementia : a systematic review / Hannah Zeilig, Laura Dickens, Paul M. Camic
Sumario: The importance of museum-based interventions for people with dementia has been increasingly appreciated. Yet, there is relatively little known about the psychological and social impacts of these interventions. To address this, the authors undertook a systematic review to elucidate these aspects of museum-based programmes for people with mild-to-moderate dementia. Four electronic databases were searched systematically, and eleven studies were included. Key findings were synthesised thematically, and six themes were identified: mood and enjoyment, subjective wellbeing, personhood, cognition, engagement, and social outcomes. These positive findings suggest that museum-based interventions for people with a mild-to-moderate dementia can offer a range of valuable benefits
En: International Journal of Ageing and Later Life (IJAL) . - Los Angeles, CA : Scientific Research Publishing, 2021-2022 = ISSN 1652-8670. - 18/11/2022 Volumen 16 Números 1 y 2 - 2022 , p. 33-72
1. Demencia senil . 2. Aspectos sociales . 3. Aspectos psicológicos . 4. Bienestar . 5. Museos . I. Dickens, Laura . II. M. Camic, Paul . III. Title.