
World economic outlook : navigating global divergences

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World economic outlook : navigating global divergences. — Washington D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2023
182 p. . — (October 2023)
Assumptions and Conventions -- Further Information -- Data -- Preface -- Foreword -- Executive Summary -- Chapter 1. Global Prospects and Policies -- Chapter 2. Managing Expectations: Inflation and Monetary Policy -- Chapter 3. Fragmentation and Commodity Markets: Vulnerabilities and Risks -- Statistical Appendix -- World Economic Outlook Selected Topics -- IMF Executive Board Discussion of the Outlook, September 2023 . — Ámbito geográfico: Internacional
1. Datos macroeconómicos . 2. Política económica . 3. Globalización de la economía . 4. Inflación . 5. Perspectivas económicas . 6. Identificación de riesgos . 7. Estadísticas . I. International Monetary Fund . II. Title.