
Satellites bolster 5G through non-terrestrial networks

Satellites bolster 5G through non-terrestrial networks. — Denver, Colorado : Keysight Technologies, 2023
7 p.
Sumario: 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Release 17 paves the way for 5G non-terrestrial networks (NTNs). Integrating satellites and other aerial communication systems with terrestrial network infrastructure extends the range of 5G to remote areas. NTNs enable new and exciting use cases, including rural broadband, aircraft and high-speed train connectivity, network resilience, and global freight tracking. Explore Keysight's comprehensive emulation and test solutions portfolio to accelerate NTN innovation
1. 5G . 2. Tecnología . 3. Redes inalámbricas . 4. Satélites . 5. Internet de las cosas . 6. Transporte . 7. Seguridad pública . 8. Medicina . 9. Sector automoción . I. Title.