
The Actuary: the magazine of the Institute Faculty of Actuaries, Num. 8, December 2023

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<title>The Actuary: the magazine of the Institute Faculty of Actuaries, Num. 8,  December 2023</title>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">A.Up Front: Editorial. Yiannis Parizas on the transformative power of the insurance industry -- President and CEO comment. Th e IFoA is committed to representing the views of all of its members, say Kalpana Shah and Ben Kemp -- IFoA news. The latest IFoA updates and events - B. Features: Interview: Zac Townsend and Annie Tay, The CEO and CRO of Meanwhile talk innovating - they run the world's fi rst Bitcoin-denominated life insurance company -- Data science: Unnatural bias. How can we avoid building unfairness into AI? Atreyee Bhattacharyya investigates -- Technology: Handy assistant. Devadeep Gupta and Richard Schneider on AI's role in taking tedium out of transformation tasks -- Technology: Theory is everything. We all need to understand the original theory of the models we are operating, argues Dominic Clark -- Data science: All on board. Yiannis Parizas and Phanis Ioannou give their guide to designing an effective analytics dashboard -- Environment: Flooded with claims. Geospatial data intelligence could be the key to protecting properties from climate impacts, says Heikki Vesanto -- Life/pensions: Baby talk. Dermot Grenham poses the question: should actuaries be paying more attention to fertility rates? -- Environment: Open to change. Debashish Dey and Lloyd Richards cut through the confusion around climate reporting -- Careers: Inside job. Interested in internal audit? Moin Patala and Ben Blackwell give the lowdown -- Risk: Uniform build. Ziling Jiang proposes a cross-jurisdictional solution for monitoring market risk capital - C. At the back; Extra-curricular. Annika Israelsson discusses preparing for her upcoming challenge: rowing the Atlantic -- People and society news. News from the actuarial community -- Soft skills: Bouncing ideas. David Sumpter on how maths might help you in your people management - Puzzles --  Student. Payal Saria on the legacy of the brief Blockchain Insurance Industry Initiative
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<topic>Mercado de seguros</topic>
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<topic>Medio ambiente</topic>
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<title>The Actuary : the magazine of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries</title>
<publisher>London :  Redactive Publishing, 2019-</publisher>
<identifier type="local">MAP20200013259</identifier>
<text>15/12/2023 Número 8 - diciembre 2023 , 52 p.</text>
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