
Connected revolution : the future of US auto insurance

Connected revolution : the future of US auto insurance / by Tanguy Catlin...[et al.]. — New York : McKinsey & Company, 2023
3 p.
Sumario: Autonomous mobility has the potential to dramatically transform the automotive insurance market, from underwriting to claims and beyond. The insurance coverage will likely need to shift from drivers to the automakers and software companies responsible for the development and maintenance of various autonomous-driving technologies
1. Seguro de automóviles . 2. Vehículos autónomos . 3. Conectividad . 4. Fabricantes . 5. Software . 6. Joint Venture . 7. Perspectivas del seguro . 8. Movilidad . 9. Estados Unidos . I. Catlin, Tanguy . II. McKinsey & Company . III. Title.