
Risk revealed by Lloyd's : clean technologies and hard-to-abate sectors

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Section: Electronic documents
Title: Risk revealed by Lloyd's : clean technologies and hard-to-abate sectors
Publication: London : Lloyds, [2024]Physical description: 52 p.Notes: Sumario: This report, produced by Lloyd's Futureset and Aon explores the technologies shifting the energy landscape, reveals the current insurance offerings of each and analyses how demand is likely to evolve over time across the five technologies: carbon markets, carbon captures and storage, low carbon buildings, battery energy storage solutions and geothermal energy. It also considers the same implications for three hard to abate sector: agribusiness, shipping, and aviationMateria / lugar / evento: Tecnología Energía Medio ambiente Carbono CO2 Emisiones Almacenamiento energético Baterías Energía geotérmica Sector agrario Transporte marítimo Aviación Otros autores: Lloyd's
AON Company
Other categories: 83
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