
Socioeconomic inequalities in national transfers accounts in Ecuador 2006 and 2011 : Did a new socialist government make a difference?

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Rosero-Bixby, Luis
Socioeconomic inequalities in national transfers accounts in Ecuador 2006 and 2011 : Did a new socialist government make a difference? / Luis Rosero-Bixby
9 p.
Sumario: This article aims to uncover SES-driven inequalities in the generational economy of Ecuador: did public transfers modify them from 2006 to 2011? National transfer accounts (NTA) were disaggregated by SES quartiles, which were defined by the highest level of education attainment in each household. The accounts within SES quartiles were estimated using standard NTA methods. A pseudo-Gini coefficient summarized SES-driven inequalities by age and generational account. This secondary analysis was based on existing micro databases from the Ecuadorian NTA
En: The Journal of the economics of ageing . - Oxford : Elsevier ScienceDirect, 2021-. - 05/02/2024 Volumen 27 - 2024 , 9 p.
1. Economía . 2. Desigualdades sociales . 3. Análisis socioeconómico . 4. Envejecimiento de la población . 5. Ecuador . I. Title.