
Two-dimensional forward and backward transition rates

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Section: Articles
Title: Two-dimensional forward and backward transition rates / Theis Bathke & Marcus C. ChristiansenAuthor: Bathke, Theis
Notes: Sumario: Forward transition rates were originally introduced with the aim to evaluate life insurance liabilities market-consistently. While this idea turned out to have its limitations, recent literature repurposes forward transition rates as a tool for avoiding Markov assumptions in the calculation of life insurance reserves. While life insurance reserves are some form of conditional first-order moments, the calculation of conditional second-order moments needs an extension of the forward transition rate concept from one dimension to two dimensions. Two-dimensional forward transition rates are also needed for the calculation of path-dependent life insurance cash-flows as they occur upon contract modifications. Forward transition rates are designed for doing prospective calculations, and by a time-symmetric definition of so-called backward transition rates one can do retrospective calculationsRelated records: En: European Actuarial Journal. - Cham, Switzerland : Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2021-2022. - 15/08/2024 Volumen 14 - Número 2 - agosto 2024 , p.41-436Materia / lugar / evento: Seguro de vida Cálculo actuarial Mortalidad Contrato de seguro Otros autores: Christiansen, Marcus C.
Other categories: 341
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