
Monitoring the level of financial literacy in the EU

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Monitoring the level of financial literacy in the EU. — Bruselas : Comisión Europea, 2023
62 p.
On behalf of the European Commission, Directorate-General Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, Ipsos European Public Affairs interviewed a representative sample of citizens, aged 18 and over, in each of the 27 Member States of the European Union
Documento relacionado: OECD-INFE 2023 international survey of adult financial literacy. - Paris : OECD, 2023
Sumario: This Flash Eurobarometer covers aspects, such as financial knowledge of EU citizens (self-assessed level and results based on five questions testing financial knowledge) and their level of 'financially savvy' behaviours (such as keeping track of expenses and striving to achieve financial goals), whether EU citizens feel comfortable using digital financial services, such as online banking or mobile payments and their confidence in retirement plans and being able to live comfortable through retirement
1. Educación financiera . 2. Cultura financiera . 3. Encuestas . 4. Comportamiento financiero . 5. Cultura aseguradora . 6. Bienestar financiero . I. Comisión Europea . II. Title.