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MAP20240020293Climate risk and sustainability : special report 2024. — [London] : Insurance ERM, 202426 p.How the EU Taxonomy makes insurers look bad at sustainability -- Solutions for climate risk management -- How insurers can model the impact of climate change on inflation -- The opportunity for insurers in the carbon emissions associated with post-disaster reconstruction -- How insurers' sustainability reports are containing more detail than ever around sustainability strategies, risk management approaches and metrics. — Sumario: This report brings together selected highlights of the climate and sustainability features we have published in 2024; and as the centrepiece, a detailed write-up on the winners and highly commended entries in our second annual Climate Risk & Sustainability Awards1. Gerencia de riesgos. 2. Sostenibilidad. 3. Riesgos meteorológicos. 4. Cambio climático. 5. Análisis de riesgos. 6. Riesgos de la naturaleza. 7. Estrategia empresarial. 8. Criterios ESG. 9. Reporting financiero. 10. Mercado de seguros. 11. Empresas de seguros. I. Insurance ERM. II. Title.