
Health insurance in Europe : 1998 data

Section: Books
Title: Health insurance in Europe : 1998 data
Publication: Paris : Comité Européen des Assurances, 2000Physical description: 47 p. ; 30 cmSeries: (CEA Eco ; 12)Notes: Total expenditure on medical care and medical items in Europe -- Insurers and the financing of health expenses -- Comments (exchange rate, GDP, population, inflation, country)Materia / lugar / evento: Seguro de enfermedad Mercado de seguros Europa Estadísticas Otros autores: Comité Européen des Assurances
Secondary series: CEA Eco ; 12 Other categories: 343Standard numbers: ISBN 2-84140-118-9
Referencias externas:
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación — Signature: 343 HEA HEA — Record number: 029799
Loan: AvailableAvailable