
Pension reform in the Baltic Countries

Pension reform in the Baltic Countries. — Paris : OCDE, 2004
264 p. ; 23 cm . — (Private pensions series ; 5)
Review of recent pension reforms in the Baltic Region -- Comparing the New Pension Sytem of the Baltic States -- Deveolpments in the Estonian Pension System -- Review of Pension Reform in Latvia -- The development of private pensions in Lithuania -- Pension fund and their role in the future -- Private equity in the Baltics: what role for pension funds?
ISBN 92-64-02105-1
1. Planes de pensiones . 2. Pensiones . 3. Reforma de la Seguridad Social . 4. Adhesiones a la Unión Europea . 5. Países Bálticos . 6. Países del Este . 7. Unión Europea . I. OECD . II. Private pensions series ; 5 . III. Title.
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación — Signature: 345 PEN PEN — Record number: 035973
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