
A Financial analysis of the global (re)insurance industry

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A Financial analysis of the global (re)insurance industry / a report commisioned by AON from Oxford Metrica. — London : Aon Limited, 2002
en cub.: cash bonds, equities, investment, portfolios, exposure, gross premiums, total net size, ranking, combined ratios, financial year, loss adjustment, balance sheets, total assets, statements, operating performance, market capitalisation, expense ratio, top 25
Foreword : 2002 an improved performance -- Defining the global general (re)insurance sector -- Analysing financial performance -- Analysing strenght and capacity
1. Reaseguro . 2. Empresas de seguros . 3. Mercado de seguros . 4. Empresas de reaseguros . 5. Flujos de capital . 6. Europa . 7. Estados Unidos . 8. Análisis financiero . I. Oxford Metrica . II. Aon Corporation . III. Title.