
Pension reform in China : progress and prospects

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Salditt, Felix
Pension reform in China : progress and prospects / Felix Salditt, Peter Whiteford, Willem Adema. — Paris : OECD, 2007
(OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers ; 53)
Introduction -- The social and economic background -- How social protection has developed -- Current social security arrangements -- Other retirement income systems -- The Chinese system in a comparative perspective -- Issues and questions -- Conclusion
1. Aspectos socio-económicos . 2. Seguridad Social . 3. Pensiones . 4. Reforma de la Seguridad Social . 5. Sistemas de Seguridad Social . 6. China . I. Whiteford, Peter . II. Adema, Willem . III. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development . IV. OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers ; 53 . V. Title.