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MAP20071016879Chang, Yang-ChyuanAn Electrophysiological follow up of patients with n-hexane polyneuropathy / Yang-Chyuan ChangSumario: In the present paper ENeG (Electroneurographic) and EP (evoked potential) findings on recovery from n-hexane neuropathy are reported. Special attention is given to delayed worsening of the electrophysiological featuresEn: British journal of industrial medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 1, January 1991 ; p. 12-171. Medicina laboral. 2. Contaminantes químicos. 3. N-hexano. 4. Neuropatías. 5. Enfermedades profesionales. 6. Sistema Nervioso Central. 7. Disolventes orgánicos. 8. Estudios. 9. Epidemiología. I. Title. II. Título: British journal of industrial medicine.