
Exposure to cement dust at a Portland cement factory and the risk of cancer

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Exposure to cement dust at a Portland cement factory and the risk of cancer / Jorgen Vestbo... [et al.]
Sumario: The aim of this study was to examine mortality from all cancers, respiratory cancer, and stomach cancer in a cohort of 1404 middle aged men examined in 1974 with reference to the risk of obstructive airways disease in men exposed to cement dust
En: British journal of industrial medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 12, December 1991 ; p. 803-807
1. Medicina laboral . 2. Epidemiología . 3. Enfermedades profesionales . 4. Cáncer . 5. Fábricas de cemento . 6. Cemento . 7. Polvo . 8. Enfermedades pulmonares . 9. Vías respiratorias . 10. Mortalidad . I. Vestbo, Jorgen . II. Title. III. Título: British journal of industrial medicine.