
Relation between urinary B-aminoisobutyric acid escretion and concentration of lead in the blood of workers occupationally exposed to lead

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Tomokuni, Katsumaro
Relation between urinary B-aminoisobutyric acid escretion and concentration of lead in the blood of workers occupationally exposed to lead / Katsumaro Tomokuni, Masayoshi Ichiba, Koji Mori
Sumario: Urinary B-aminoisobutyric acid (ABA) concentration was determined by fluorometric high performance liquid chromatography in 22 workers occupationally exposed to lead. The urinary excretion of ABA was increased with increasing exposure to lead. The excretion of urinary ABA had a significant correlation with concentration of lead in blood (Pb-B), similar to the correlation of Pb-B with urinary d-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) concentration. The determination of urinary ABA concentration in workers exposed to lead, therefore, may offer a new approach for evaluating the health effect of lead
En: British journal of industrial medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 5, May 1992 ; p. 365-368
1. Medicina laboral . 2. Enfermedades profesionales . 3. Contaminantes químicos . 4. Plomo . 5. ABA . I. Ichiba, Masayoshi . II. Mori, Koji . III. Title. IV. Título: British journal of industrial medicine.