
Motivation, incentives set safety at a premium

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Section: Articles
Title: Motivation, incentives set safety at a premium / by Edward D. DionneAuthor: Dionne, Edward D.
Notes: Sumario: An employee incentive program can be targeted to reduce tardiness and absenteeism, to promote good housekeeping, to increase production, and to reduce product damage and waste as well as improve safety performance. This article includes: surveys of workers'attitudes reveal the importance of motivation; safety awareness is a year-around need; in addition to those programs devised within the plant; what are the most popular awards?; award programs to recognize safety and health achievementsRelated records: En: National safety news. - Chicago. - Vol. 127, nº 1, January 1983 ; p. 33-36Materia / lugar / evento: Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo Prevención de accidentes Motivación Incentivos Psicosociología de la prevención Secondary titles: Título: National safety news
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