
Corporate wellness programs can be cost-effective

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Section: Articles
Title: Corporate wellness programs can be cost-effective / by Edward D. DionneAuthor: Dionne, Edward D.
Notes: Sumario: The bottom line to a fitness program is reduced absenteeism, injuries, and personnel turnover, and increased productivity. Three cases in point illustrate how the individual employee, employers, and the carrier can benefit financially by participating in a comprehensive, motivation-oriented corporate wellness programRelated records: En: National safety news. - Chicago. - Vol. 129, nº 3, March 1984 ; p. 70-72Materia / lugar / evento: Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo Motivación Ejercicio físico Calidad de vida Medicina laboral Medicina preventiva Programas Costes económicos Secondary titles: Título: National safety news
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