
Biomechanical evaluation of lift postures in adult Koli female labourers

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Mittal, Monica
Biomechanical evaluation of lift postures in adult Koli female labourers / Monica Mittal and S.L. Malik
Sumario: Three lift postures, back straight and knees bent, back bent and knees straight and squatting were evaluated biomechanically based on data from 100 Koli female labourers, when lifting loads from the floor to hold them at knee height. Squatting was found to be the best posture for lifting a load, specifically for the Indian labourers who are accustomed to squatting when working
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 34, nº 1, January 1991 ; p. 103-108
1. Ergonomía . 2. Biomecánica . 3. Postura . 4. Posiciones de trabajo . 5. Mujeres . 6. Carga de materiales . 7. Trabajo físico . I. Malik, S.L. . II. Title. III. Título: Ergonomics.