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MAP20071020569Garg, ArunOne-handed dynamic pulling strength with special application to lawn mowers / A. Garg, S. Funke and D. JanischSumario: The objective of this study was to determine the one-handed dynamic pulling strength of lawn mower users. It is believed that this research can provide a data base which can be used in designing manual-start gasoline-powered engines for which the starting force requirements do not exceed the stregth capability of the user populationEn: Ergonomics. - London [etc.]. - Vol. 31, nº 8 August 1988 ; p. 1139-11531. Ergonomía. 2. Fuerza muscular. 3. Resistencia. 4. Maquinaria. 5. Antropometría. 6. Análisis estadístico. 7. Ergonometría. I. Funke, S.. II. Janisch, D.. III. Title. IV. Título: Ergonomics.