
How to prevent violence in the workplace

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Barker, Teresa
How to prevent violence in the workplace / by Teresa Barker
Employers held responsible for security -- Prevention is a team effort -- High-risk jobs require vigilance -- Options vary for public, private offloes -- How can you beef up security? -- Follow strategies for action -- Give employees help before it's too late -- Pre-employment screening is a useful tool -- Make your security plan a "living document" -- Polcias that work -- EAPs to the rescue -- Rewards of the rural life
En: Safety & health. - Itasca. - Vol. 105, nº 1, July 1994 ; p. 32-38
1. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo . 2. Riesgo laboral . 3. Estrés . 4. Violencia . 5. Miedo . I. Title. II. Título: Safety & health.