
Physical workload of ambulance assistants

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Physical workload of ambulance assistants / M.T.A.J. Doormaal... [et al.]
Sumario: The physical workload of ambulance assistants was assessed by means of the Ovako Working posture Analysis System (OWAS) observation method and a Work and Health Questionnaire (WHQ) for measuring perceived workload. In addition, a biomechanical model was applied to several specifically strenuous conditions that were simulated in a laboratory situation. Bad postures were identified for a number of activities: 16% to 29% of a work shift was spent in harmful positions. Strenous situations occur particularly during rides in emergency situations. The results of observed and perceived workload are generally in agreement. A number of practical recommendations are made. They concern, for example, the equipment in ambulance cars, training of ambulance assistants and adaptations in working procedures
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 38, nº 2, February 1995 ; p. 361-376
1. Ergonomía . 2. Ambulancias . 3. Personal sanitario . 4. Trabajo físico . 5. Biomecánica . 6. Postura . 7. Métodos de análisis . 8. Cuestionarios . I. Doormaal, M.T.A.J. . II. Title. III. Título: Ergonomics.