
Risk of extreme events in multiobjective decision trees :Part 1. Severe events

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Section: Articles
Title: Risk of extreme events in multiobjective decision trees :Part 1. Severe events / Hendrik I. Frohwein, James H. LambertAuthor: Frohwein, Hendrik I.
Notes: Sumario: Background: single vs. multiple-objective decision trees -- Problems with averaging out and folding back conditional expected values in decision trees -- Overcoming the nonseparability of the conditional expeted value F. -- Extension to multiple objectives -- Optimization procedure -- example (single objective) -- Example (extension to multiple objectives) -- Concluding remarks -- References.Related records: En: Risk analysis : an international journal. - New York and London : Society for Risk Analysis. - Vol. 20, nº 1, February, 2000 ; p. 113-123Materia / lugar / evento: Casos prácticos Análisis de riesgos Gerencia de riesgos Evaluación de riesgos Métodos de evaluación Otros autores: Lambert, James H.
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