
The Thermal decomposition of hydrated calcium hypochlorite (UN 2880)

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Gray, Brian F.
The Thermal decomposition of hydrated calcium hypochlorite (UN 2880) / Brian F. Gray, Brendan Halliburton
Although hydrated calcium hypoclorite has been regarde as prone to exothermic self-decomposition with very rapid release of heat, oxygen and gaseous chlorine derivates it has not been the subject of an ortodox thermal ignition study such as that performed on anhydridous calcium hypochlorite (UN 1748), studied in the standard maner in 1978. It describes the test on samples varying in mass from 5 g up to 200 kg
En: Fire Safety Journal : the official journal of the International Association for Fire Safety Science. - Oxford : Elsevier Science. - Vol. 35 nº 3, October 2000 ; p. 223-239
1. Hipoclorito hidratado de calcio . 2. Ignición . 3. Comportamiento de los materiales frente al fuego . 4. Sustancias químicas . I. Halliburton, Brendan . II. International Association for Fire Safety Science . III. Title.