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Heinrich-Jones, Frank
Whistleblowing / by Frank Heinrich-Jones
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 provides protection for the "whistleblowers" for unfair dismissal and in addition recommends the introduction of a formal policy on "whistleblowing" and the introduction of confidential hot lines for employees to use with confidence to report malpractice in the event that they do not wish to use other lines of communication for fear of reprisals
En: Foresight. - London. - May 2000 ; p.16-17
1. Gerencia de riesgos . 2. Prevención de riesgos . 3. Política empresarial . 4. Malas prácticas . 5. Confidencialidad de los datos . 6. Accidentes . 7. Casos prácticos . I. Title.