
Biomechanical and metabolic effects of varying backpack loading on simulated marching

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Biomechanical and metabolic effects of varying backpack loading on simulated marching / Peter M. Quesada...[et al.]
Twelve healthy, male Army recruits performed three, 40-min treadmill marches at 6 km/h, under three load carriage conditions: 0%-body weight (BW) backpack load, 15%-BW load and 30%-BW load. Kinematic and kinetic data were obtained, inmediately before and after each treadmill march, for computing ankle, knee and hip joint rotations and moments. Metabolic data, expired ventilation, respiratory exchange ratio, heart rate and ratings of perceived exertion were collected continuously during marching. Pre-march joint loading data suggest that the knee may be effecting substancial compensations during backpack loaded marching, perhaps to attenuate shock or reduce load elsewhere. Post-march kinetic data , however, indicates that such knee mechanics were not sustained and suggest that excessive knee extensor fatigue may occur prior to march end, even though overall metabolic responses, at 15%-BW and 30%-BW load, remained within generally recommended limits to prevent fatigue during prolonged work
En: Ergonomics. - London [etc.]. - Vol. 43 nº 3, March 2000 ; p. 293-309
1. Ergonomía . 2. Antropometría . 3. Ejercicio físico . 4. Carga física . 5. Metabolismo . 6. Biomecánica . 7. Consumo energético . 8. Trabajo físico . 9. Fatiga . 10. Fuerzas Armadas . I. Quesada, Peter M. . II. Title.