
Ethics and the risk managers

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Carris, Richard
Ethics and the risk managers / by Richard Carris and Ronald Duska
To mitigate the exposure of ethical breaches, risk managers can use their skills and experience to indentify , evaluate, treat and monitor the risk of poor ethical behavior. Be prepared, though, to ask difficult questions of both your organization and its bussines partners.
En: Risk management. - New York. - vol. 50, nº 4, April 2003 ; p. 28-31
1. Empresas de seguros . 2. Ética empresarial . 3. Cultura directiva . 4. Comportamiento organizativo . 5. Servicio al cliente . 6. Comportamientos empresariales . 7. Directivos de empresas . 8. Gerencia de riesgos . I. Duska, Ronald . II. Title. III. Título: Risk management.