
Deep body core temperatures in industrial workers under thermal stress

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Brake, Derrick John
Deep body core temperatures in industrial workers under thermal stress / Derrick John Brake and Graham Peter Bates
To date, no field study has continuously monitored the deep body core temperatures of industrial workers. A program to continuously measure deep body core temperatures in 36 industrials workers working 10-, 12- and 12.5- hour day and nightshifts in a hot, deep, underground mine in the Tropics was conducted
En: Journal of occupational health and environmental medicine. - Towson, MD. - Vol. 44, nº 2, February 2002 ; p. 125-135
1. Temperatura . 2. Frío . 3. Calor . 4. Lugares de trabajo . 5. Trabajadores . 6. Enfermedades . 7. Estadísticas . 8. Ergonomía . 9. Ambiente de trabajo . 10. Minería . 11. Casos prácticos . I. Bates, Graham Peter . II. Title. III. Título: Journal of occupational and environmental medicine.