
Managerialist and human capital explanations for key executive pay premiums : a contingency perspective

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Gombs, James G.
Managerialist and human capital explanations for key executive pay premiums : a contingency perspective / James G. Gombs, Maura S. Skill
Managerialism is a theory that suggest extract pay premiums by gaining control over ther firms' compensation process. Human capital theory suggests instead that pay premiums reflect executives' superior managerial abilities. This study test a contingency perspective in which the source of pay premiums depends on executives' power and firm' governance strength
En: Academy of management journal. - New York. - Vol. 46, nº 1, February 2003 ; p. 63-73
1. Recursos humanos . 2. Directivos de empresas . 3. Pago de la prima . 4. Habilidades directivas . I. Skill, Maura S. . II. Title.