
Post-lunch nap as a woksite intervention to promote alertness on the job

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Post-lunch nap as a woksite intervention to promote alertness on the job / Masaya Takahashi...[et al.]
A worksite study was conducted to examine whether a 15-min nap during a post-lunch rest period would affect subsequent alertness, performance, and nocturnal sleep in eight factory workers under 3-week protocol
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 47, nº 9, July 2004 ; p. 1003-1013
1. Estudios . 2. Siestas . 3. Sueño . 4. Trabajadores . 5. Productividad . 6. Rendimiento en el trabajo . I. Takahashi, Masaya . II. Title. III. Título: Ergonomics.