
Pressure protection

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Roberts, Terry
Pressure protection / Terry Roberts, Mark Scanlon
Mitigation of the impact of severe fires on pressurised hydrocarbon processing plant in the petrolium and allied industries is critical to minimising the risk to personel, reducing the damage and limiting the capital loss. It was this thinking that prompted the Energy Institute, formerly the Institute of Petroleum (IP) to convene a joint workshop in March 2001 to ascertain what additional research might be required to validate the effects of severe fire impingement on pressure systems
En: Fire prevention. - London. - nº 245, June 2004 ; p. 30-32
1. Hidrocarburos . 2. Prevención de riesgos . 3. Industria petroquímica . 4. Seguridad contra incendios . 5. Aparatos a presión . 6. Grandes riesgos industriales . I. Scanlon, Mark . II. Title. III. Título: Fire prevention.