
Evaluation of a prototype multi-posture office chair

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Legg, S. J.
Evaluation of a prototype multi-posture office chair / S.J. Legg, H.W. Mackie, W. Milicich
The present study investigated office worker's preferences for a standard shaped typist's chair and a prototype multiposture office chair designed to allow its users a variety of sitting positions
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 45, nº 2, February 2002 ; p. 153-163
1. Sillas . 2. Lesiones musculares . 3. Métodos de evaluación . 4. Diseño ergonómico . 5. Evaluación del lugar de trabajo . I. Mackie, H.W. . II. Milicich, W. . III. Title. IV. Título: Ergonomics.