
Modulation of mechanical and muscular load by footwear during catering

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Modulation of mechanical and muscular load by footwear during catering / U. G. Kersting... [et al.]
The BGN (Berufsgenossenschaft Nahrungsmithl und Gaststätten) reports 70% of job induced days off work to be connected with traumas of the ankle joint or overloading of the leg, knee and lower back, with an increased incidence in service areas outdoors. Workspace environments usually contain narrow passages, slopes or stairs and sudden changes between different surfaces. The aim of this study was to investigate the biomechanical load on the lower extremity and the low back during catering service when wearing different types of footwear
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 48, nº 4, 15 March 2005 ; p. 380-398
1. Ergonomía . 2. Biomecánica . 3. Condiciones de trabajo . 4. Calzado . 5. Fisiología . 6. Suelos . 7. Hostelería . 8. Escaleras . 9. Carga de materiales . I. Kersting, U. G. . II. Title. III. Título: Ergonomics.