
Warning : "hanging tough", can kill you : preparedness is essential to preventing deadly suspension trauma

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Parker, James G.
Warning : "hanging tough", can kill you : preparedness is essential to preventing deadly suspension trauma / by James G. Parker
When a worker falls wearing a harness, the thigh straps can act like tourniquets, effectively cutting of any circulation of blood between the legs and rest of the body. OSHA regulations require the "prompt rescue" of suspended workers. The key is to have a plan
En: Safety & health. - Itasca. - Vol. 172, nº 1, July 2005 ; p. 28-30
1. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo . 2. Trabajos en altura . 3. Arnés . 4. Accidentes de trabajo . 5. Salvamentos . 6. Factores de riesgo . 7. Planes de seguridad . I. Title. II. Título: Safety & health.