
A Probabilistic transmission dynamic model to assess indoor airborne infection risks

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Liao, Chung-Min
A Probabilistic transmission dynamic model to assess indoor airborne infection risks / Chung-Min Liao, Chao-Fang Chang and Huang-Min Liang
Airborne transmission is known to be a route of infection for diseases. About 15 million of 57 million annual deaths worldwide are estimated to be related directly with infectious diseases. The objective of this article is to quantify the public health risk associated with indoor airbone infection based on a probabilistic transmission dynamic modeling approach
En: Risk analysis : an international journal. - New York and London. - Vol. 25, nº 5, October 2005 ; p. 1097-1108
1. Contaminación del aire . 2. Virus . 3. Enfermedades infecciosas . 4. Higiene industrial . 5. Ambiente de trabajo . 6. Modelos probabílisticos . I. Chang, Chao-Fang . II. Liang, Huang-Min . III. Title. IV. Título: Risk analysis : an international journal.