
On the consequences of behavioral adaptations in the cost-benefit analysis of road safety measures

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Gossner, Olivier
On the consequences of behavioral adaptations in the cost-benefit analysis of road safety measures / Olivier Gossner and Pierre Picard
Behavioral adaptations of drivers to safety measures is a well-documented phenomenon. Following changes in the road-vehicle system affecting either highways safety or vehicle safety, road users sometimes adapt their behavior in a manner inconsistent with the initial goals of the safety measures: indeed, safer highways and safer cars often induce more dangerous driving
En: The Journal of risk and insurance. - Orlando. - Volume 72, number 4, December 2005 ; p. 577-599
1. Seguridad en el automóvil . 2. Conducción . 3. Automóviles . 4. Fórmulas estadísticas . 5. Seguridad vial . 6. Infraestructuras viarias . 7. Carreteras . 8. Análisis costo-beneficio . 9. Programas de seguridad . 10. Análisis empírico . I. Weiss, Mary A. . II. Title. III. Título: The Journal of risk and insurance.