
Simplicity-minded management

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Ashkenas, Ron
Simplicity-minded management / by Ron Ashkenas
Large organizations are by nature complex, but over the years new business challenges--globalization, innovative technologies, and regulations, to name a few--have conspired to add layer upon layer of complexity to corporate structure and management. Organizations have become increasingly ungovernable and unwieldy: Performance is declining; accountability is unclear; decision rights are muddy; and data are crunched repeatedly, often with no clear purpose in mind. To avoid frustration and inefficiency, executives need to systematically attack the causes of complexity in their companies
En: Harvard business review. - Boston. - December 2007 ; p. 101-109
1. Organización del trabajo . 2. Estrategia empresarial . 3. Cambio organizativo . 4. Técnicas de producción . I. Title. II. Título: Harvard business review.