
Best's Review-Número 7 104 2003


Publication: Best's Review

Number: Número 7 104 2003

Type: Normal

Rights: InC

Title Author Pages
Dealing in fraud : professional criminals and petty thieves are draining cash from the insurance industry, and more companies are getting serious about plugging the hole
Staggering stats : adding up the cost of fraud
Asking the right questions
On the road with a fraud investigator
Unleashing technology as a fraud buster
The moving target
Greater than the sum of the parts : new risk management textbook connects with holistic problem solving
Getting to know you : as homeowners writers see personal property claims rise, they're taking a closer look at insureds' personal characteristics
A burst of trouble : thunderstorms can cause greater annual aggregate losses than hurricanes, so insurers must be better prepared
Dust storm : a sudden rise in silicosis claims is reminiscent of asbestos litiga, but this time insurers are blocking the turbulence
Taking the next step : Safeco wants to concentrate on selling standardized property/casualty products
Smoke stream : insurers and brokers find new business opportunities in emissions trading and managing emissions risk
Insuring to value : homeowners have traditionally insured their properties at less than the replacement cost. Newer valuation methods help insurers bring more policies to full coverage
Appraising on site
Homeowners multiple peril, top writers - 2002
Homeowners multiple peril, top writers by state - 2002
In need of repair : to fix the problem of underpriced umbrella policies, casualty underwriters must consider such factors as rising loss costs and antiquated attachment points
Luring talent... and keeping it : insight : top performers, like other employees with job-achievement goals, want to know what's expected of them and how they are doing with their work
Property/Casualty marketplace
Loss/Risk management notes
A stricter construction : insight : in dealing with construction claims, insurance companies cannot be required to pay for damages that are imminent, only those that have occurred
A turn for the better : insurers rely on brokers to sell their consumer-driven health-care plans, but brokers must understand the plans to succeed in the growing market
A plan of their own
Out from under : quick, precise underwriting that reflects the latest medical treatments can cut expenses and enhance product appeal
Life/Health marketplace
eye on the prize : insight : insurers can save money and boost revenue by improving distribution-channel management with the right strategy and efficient operations
"Snake oil" : pollutes underwriting : insight : the very concept of insurability will be at risk unless underwriters embrace new and faster modes of risk assessment
Searching for return on investment : insight : insurers should determine if there is any strategic impact on corporate financial performance from IT investments
Invading annuities' turf : the huge and powerful mutual-fund industry is increasingly moving into an annuity stronghold - the 403(b) market
Staying fit : by offering health and wellness programs to consumers, insurers are developing healthier members while reducing costs
Stretching out : global data standards are slashing tech costs and allowing insurers and reinsurers to communicate with global business partners in a common language